The Creation Project Consummated The penultimate lecture ties us in to the very start of our Biblical Theology The Christocentrism of the Bible The final lecture briefly shows... read more →
This is an excerpt from a book I am working on. As any reader is aware who has ventured into the literature on Biblical Theology, there is no one agreed... read more →
It appears to me that one of the first things a faithful theologian needs to do is to straighten out the confusion brought about by the world’s separation of faith... read more →
A review of David Bentley Hart, The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss, Yale University Press, 2013, 376 pages, paperback. Among the most learned and entertaining, if not sometimes infuriating writers... read more →
I have finally completed a series of twelve posts about the Rapture in which I have appealed for humility among the various schools of thought, while also explaining my pretribulational... read more →
Review of Invitation to Biblical Interpretation: Exploring the Hermeneutical Triad of History, Literature, and Theology, by Andreas J. Kostenberger & Richard D. Patterson, Grand Rapids: Kregel Academic, hdbk, 891 pp This... read more →
In the last installment of this series we were looking at a motto which is often misused by the Christian community, and which could mislead young people if not carefully... read more →
Parts of this are taken from an introductory lecture in the TELOS Course “The Doctrine of Man and Sin” When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,... read more →
The final chapter, which includes the Resurrection and the Great Commission. This lecture is from a course at TELOS INSTITUTE Matt28e
Recently K. Scott Oliphint of Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia has published a book which he has called Covenantal Apologetics. I reviewed the book here and recommend it. But I expressed... read more →