Videos of Dr. Henebury's Conference presentation earlier this year. If you want to know what Biblical Covenantalism is, you can find out here. Session 1. Christ and Interpretation read more →
These are the audios of the five apologetics talks which Dr. Henebury gave at Calvary Chapel in Ukiah, California. It is part of our ministry to give seminars on all... read more →
This audio presents solid reasons why Christians should learn to cherish this central tenet of Biblical Christianity. IstheTrinityNecessary
This is a basic introductory talk on what one might call "common sense" interpretation. Paul provides several examples of how the Bible itself expects us to approach it. PH_Biblical_Interpretation
This talk presents an unabashed scriptural defense of Young-Earth Creationism ArgumentsforYEC
A one-off presentation on the accuracy of the New Testament Books Reliability of the New Testament (1)
[T]he final lecture attempts to bring the previous material into focus for use in daily living. This series sets out the main aspects of a Christian outlook on life and... read more →
[A]fter speaking again to the matter of truth in Christ, Dr. Henebury runs through the various alternative interpretations of reality which man has come up with, and finds them wanting.... read more →
[A] "doxology" is the giving of glory to God. In other words it refers to worship. In the Christian worldview, worship holds an integral part of our self-understanding. We were... read more →
[H]umanity has always tried to find meaning and worth in life. The Biblical Worldview reveals the fact that meaning is built into the plan of God for us all. This... read more →