The Creation Project Consummated The penultimate lecture ties us in to the very start of our Biblical Theology The Christocentrism of the Bible The final lecture briefly shows... read more →
Converging Themes in the Apocalypse (1) Converging Themes in the Apocalypse (2)
The Future of the Church (1 & 2) Two lectures covering the Church's hope Israel and the Returning Christ Scriptures are examined which tie the covenant... read more →
This is an excerpt from a book I am working on. As any reader is aware who has ventured into the literature on Biblical Theology, there is no one agreed... read more →
Many Christians believe that Jesus is reigning on the throne of David now. Dr Henebury refutes this claim. He uses Progressive Dispensationalism as a foil. The Reign of Christ (1) The... read more →
Here are two lessons which relate to Christ's identification with the nation of Israel. IsJesustheTrueIsrael It is a common maneuver for replacement theologians to teach that Jesus IS Israel and... read more →
It appears to me that one of the first things a faithful theologian needs to do is to straighten out the confusion brought about by the world’s separation of faith... read more →
A review of David Bentley Hart, The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss, Yale University Press, 2013, 376 pages, paperback. Among the most learned and entertaining, if not sometimes infuriating writers... read more →
These lectures address the widespread notion that the Bible intends the OT to be interpreted by the NT. But this raises all sorts of problems, since, e.g., the NT appeals... read more →
What does the Apostle mean when he describes the concept of the Church as a “mystery”? Included is some critical interaction with 'replacement' and progressive dispensational views. The Church as... read more →