The Noahic Covenant and the Framing of History - It is important for us to see ourselves as living in a world governed by the parameters in the first covenant.... read more →
Man in Eden - Reflections on Genesis 2 BCF9Gen2 The Fall and the Expulsion - Included in this lecture is a consideration of our 'default' setting as sinners BCF10Gen3 Questions... read more →
A lecture which seeks to take seriously what Moses says in the Bible's opening chapter. TheologyofGenesis1
These two lectures set up the goal oriented theme of this approach to Biblical Theology CreationProject1new CreationProject2Zech3
This lecture continues the contrasts in the previous study, this time outlining how a focus on the Biblical Covenants facilitates a far broader and more prescriptive theological agenda than is... read more →
This lecture and the next set out where "Biblical Covenantalism" takes what is good in Traditional Dispensationalism and expands its applicability by centering on the explicit biblical covenants as opposed... read more →
This short lesson concludes the general survey of the Gospel. introtoMatt3
The second in a three-part introduction to this Gospel before getting into the Gospel proper. This introductory lesson looks at the content, plan and purpose of this Gospel. This lecture... read more →
Free lectures covering the entire First Gospel week by week. Here Paul Henebury expounds the first chapter of Matthew's Gospel, making sure not to neglect its very Jewish context. This... read more →
In this audio Paul Henebury gives a brief review of these disputed verses and offers a defense of their genuineness. Last_twelve_verses_of_Mark