A review of a book on the Second Coming and surrounding events ReturnX
A clear presentation of the so-called "Doctrines of Grace" Greg Forster
Augustinebio Even a historian of the period gets messed up when he can't keep his own agenda out of his writing.
This book is a "must-read" for Christians who wish to counter unbiblical thinking. Review of The Bible Among The Myths by John N
This is a great book on the historicity of Jesus Craig SKeener-Jesus
This Study Bible has many solid and helpful features. But it could use the input of presuppositionalists! ApologeticsStB
A one-off presentation on the accuracy of the New Testament Books Reliability of the New Testament (1)
Two systems with much in common are contrasted. Dispensationalism or
Synopsis of Biblical
[T]his final study of Jesus' idea of the Kingdom continues to demonstrate how the disciples' expectation of a future Davidic kingdom was put there by Christ Himself. 9.KingdomTeachings5b-Acts1