Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design, by Stephen C. Meyer, New York: Harper Collins, 2013, xii + 498 pages, hdbk. Stephen Meyer... read more →
Last time I asked whether the facts speak for themselves. My answer was that they do not, they are freighted with interpretations, whether right or wrong. In Part Seven I... read more →
Facing The Evidence I want to move forward a bit now to the subject of evidence. Probably many of you have heard the old saying that scientists "follow the evidence... read more →
This is an audio message given at a Sunday School at Camano Island, Washington. ChallengestoRealJesus-e
Since the Enlightenment, when unaided human reason was promoted to a place above the authority of the Holy Scriptures, it has been presumed that mankind can, at least in principle,... read more →
Book Review: Schaeffer on the Christian Life, by William Edgar, Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway, 2013, 206 pp, pbk. This book is one of Crossway’s Countercultural Spirituality series. Of all the volumes... read more →
The first of a three-part introduction to this Gospel before getting into the Gospel proper. This introductory lesson looks at the author, date, and provenance of this Gospel. This lecture... read more →
Last time I drew attention to some fallacious ideas which circulate on the airwaves and in popular culture. There are many more. In fact, even Christians have manufactured some pretty... read more →
Free lectures covering the entire First Gospel week by week. Here Paul Henebury expounds the first part of chapter six (including the 'Lord's Prayer') of Matthew’s Gospel. This lecture is... read more →
Free lectures covering the entire First Gospel week by week. Here Paul Henebury expounds the rest of chapter five of Matthew’s Gospel. This lecture is taken from a course available... read more →