This link to some useful Apologetical books of yesteryear are worth checking out. While not presuppositional, and therefore too dependent on the notion of common ground, these are good resources... read more →
Telling God's Story: the biblical narrative from beginning to end, by Preben Vang & Terry G. Carter, second edition, Nashville: B & H Publishing, 2013, 430 pages, hdbk. I remember... read more →
Parts of this are taken from an introductory lecture in the TELOS Course “The Doctrine of Man and Sin” When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,... read more →
The final chapter, which includes the Resurrection and the Great Commission. This lecture is from a course at TELOS INSTITUTE Matt28e
This lecture is from a course at TELOS INSTITUTE The self-composure of Jesus and weird happenings in Jerusalem. Matt27e
This lecture is from a course at TELOS INSTITUTE Matt26e
This lecture deals with the first part of what is known as the 'Olivet Discourse'. Matt24
This chapter includes the Parable of the Wedding Feast, and the questions from the Pharisees and Sadduccees. Matt22e
Recently K. Scott Oliphint of Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia has published a book which he has called Covenantal Apologetics. I reviewed the book here and recommend it. But I expressed... read more →
Several issues arise in this chapter, like the cursing of the fig tree. Another issue is the replacement theologian's favorite verse, Matt. 21:43. This lecture is taken from a course... read more →