This short lesson concludes the general survey of the Gospel. introtoMatt3
The authors of his book are proponents of what is called "New Covenant Theology", which rejects the theological covenants of Covenant Theology. NCT has become popular with Reformed Baptists who... read more →
The second in a three-part introduction to this Gospel before getting into the Gospel proper. This introductory lesson looks at the content, plan and purpose of this Gospel. This lecture... read more →
Free lectures covering the entire First Gospel week by week. Here Paul Henebury expounds the first chapter of Matthew's Gospel, making sure not to neglect its very Jewish context. This... read more →
In this audio Paul Henebury gives a brief review of these disputed verses and offers a defense of their genuineness. Last_twelve_verses_of_Mark
A proposal for hermeneutical control. Biblical Covenants and Normative Hermeneutics
This installment reviews what has been said and adds a few clarifications and limitations. pdf - Affinity4 Affinity4
These "rules" are very useful for identifying where we have allowed our reason to overrule plain statement in the Bible. We call this their "negative application" pdf - Affinity3 Affinity3... read more →
In this second part we see how all the major fundamental truths of Christianity are plainly stated in Scripture pdf - Affinity2 Affinity2
Test your Statement of Faith against these "rules". How does it fare? pdf - Affinity1 Affinity1