In the first part of this series I referenced some things to which I should now like to return. Even before getting into what is meant when the two words... read more →
Free lectures covering the entire First Gospel week by week. Here Paul Henebury expounds the rest of chapter five of Matthew’s Gospel. This lecture is taken from a course available... read more →
As previously noted here, I was asked to represent Traditional Dispensationalism for a set of interviews conducted by Lindsay Kennedy. Two far more noteworthy contributors; Darrell Bock (Progressive Dispensationalism), and... read more →
Last time we looked at the importance of commending a Biblical Worldview to our children. If we can communicate that, then we have given them a solid frame of reference... read more →
Free lectures covering the entire First Gospel week by week. Here Paul Henebury expounds the The Beatitudes of chapter five of Matthew’s Gospel. This lecture is taken from a course... read more →
Revelation Cannot Be Divorced From the Character of the Revealer Plain-speaking is usually thought to be a virtue. One should say what one means. On the other hand, it is... read more →
[D]r Henebury briefly explains why this ministry is important. TheValueofTELOS
Free lectures covering the entire First Gospel week by week. Here Paul Henebury expounds the second portion of chapter four of Matthew’s Gospel. This lecture is taken from a course... read more →
The Bible has a very specific and definitive outlook on the meaning of life. In the parlance of modern culture such an outlook is called a "Worldview." There has been... read more →
We have seen that the idea of progressive revelation is connected to two things: the intent behind the communication, and the boundaries prescribed by previous revelation/communication. I have said that... read more →