ethics(14)Fruit2 This series is taken from the Telos Biblical Institute course, "Biblical Christian Ethics" by Dr. Henebury
ethics13-FruitoftheSpirit1 (1) This series is taken from the Telos Biblical Institute course, "Biblical Christian Ethics" by Dr. Henebury
ethics12-Sanctification (1) This series is taken from the Telos Biblical Institute course, "Biblical Christian Ethics" by Dr. Henebury
ethics11-UnionwithChrist (1) This series is taken from the Telos Biblical Institute course, "Biblical Christian Ethics" by Dr. Henebury
ethics8-Ethics&Resurrection (1) This series is taken from the Telos Biblical Institute course, "Biblical Christian Ethics" by Dr. Henebury
ethics7-Man as Image of God (1) This series is taken from the Telos Biblical Institute course, "Biblical Christian Ethics" by Dr. Henebury
ethics6-Christ&Truth (1) This series is taken from the Telos Biblical Institute course, "Biblical Christian Ethics" by Dr. Henebury
ethics5-ChristianViewofTruth (1) This series is taken from the Telos Biblical Institute course, "Biblical Christian Ethics" by Dr. Henebury
Paul examines the "freedom to obey" which life in Christ brings. ethics4-Christian'sPrerogative (1) This series is taken from the Telos Biblical Institute course, "Biblical Christian Ethics" by Dr. Henebury
The Bible furnishes us with a fully rounded approach to moral behavior, in contrast to the world's reductionistic efforts. ethics3-Results, Rules&Motives (1) This series is taken from the Telos Biblical... read more →