It appears to me that one of the first things a faithful theologian needs to do is to straighten out the confusion brought about by the world’s separation of faith... read more →
A review of David Bentley Hart, The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss, Yale University Press, 2013, 376 pages, paperback. Among the most learned and entertaining, if not sometimes infuriating writers... read more →
I have finally completed a series of twelve posts about the Rapture in which I have appealed for humility among the various schools of thought, while also explaining my pretribulational... read more →
These lectures address the widespread notion that the Bible intends the OT to be interpreted by the NT. But this raises all sorts of problems, since, e.g., the NT appeals... read more →
Review of Invitation to Biblical Interpretation: Exploring the Hermeneutical Triad of History, Literature, and Theology, by Andreas J. Kostenberger & Richard D. Patterson, Grand Rapids: Kregel Academic, hdbk, 891 pp This... read more →
What does the Apostle mean when he describes the concept of the Church as a “mystery”? Included is some critical interaction with 'replacement' and progressive dispensational views. The Church as... read more →
This and the next lecture stress the crucial truth that Jesus really did institute the New Covenant in his blood with the Church at His First Coming. InstitutionoftheNC1 InstitutionoftheNC2a
Videos of Dr. Henebury's Conference presentation earlier this year. If you want to know what Biblical Covenantalism is, you can find out here. Session 1. Christ and Interpretation read more →
In the last installment of this series we were looking at a motto which is often misused by the Christian community, and which could mislead young people if not carefully... read more →
These studies demonstrate that Israel means Israel, never the Church. Israel in the New Testament (1) 12.Israel in theNT1 Israel in the New Testament (2) 13.IsraelintheNT2