[W]hat is this ministry all about? What do we stand for and what should you come here expecting to find? Good questions! Allow us to briefly respond: 1. Telos is... read more →
[T]elos Biblical Institute has a new website, a fresh ministry focus, expanded offerings and is taking Open Enrollments. TBI is the ideal school for the busy pastor, Sunday school teacher,... read more →
[W]e've revamped and retooled our technology, increased our technical and teaching staff, and even moved offices to better meet the needs of the Body of Christ in three areas: Telos... read more →
[B]ring a Telos speaker to your church, retreat, conference or camp. Paul is an experienced presenter who delivers content-rich Biblical and theological truth, address subjects at all levels and to... read more →
[T]he final lecture attempts to bring the previous material into focus for use in daily living. This series sets out the main aspects of a Christian outlook on life and... read more →
[A]fter speaking again to the matter of truth in Christ, Dr. Henebury runs through the various alternative interpretations of reality which man has come up with, and finds them wanting.... read more →
[A] "doxology" is the giving of glory to God. In other words it refers to worship. In the Christian worldview, worship holds an integral part of our self-understanding. We were... read more →
[H]umanity has always tried to find meaning and worth in life. The Biblical Worldview reveals the fact that meaning is built into the plan of God for us all. This... read more →
[R]evelation is the doctrine upon which every other aspect of knowledge is constructed. Christian knowledge is "revelational knowledge." Even our knowledge of the universe is revealed to us. The Bible... read more →
[J]esus Christ is the central figure in world history. Moreover, Scripture reveals that every aspect of reality is somehow connected to Him in His death, resurrection and rule. This series... read more →