Here is a clear and simple presentation of the rules of affinity for those who just want to grasp the concepts. pdf - AffinitySimplified AffinitySimplified
This installment reviews what has been said and adds a few clarifications and limitations. pdf - Affinity4 Affinity4
These "rules" are very useful for identifying where we have allowed our reason to overrule plain statement in the Bible. We call this their "negative application" pdf - Affinity3 Affinity3... read more →
In this second part we see how all the major fundamental truths of Christianity are plainly stated in Scripture pdf - Affinity2 Affinity2
Test your Statement of Faith against these "rules". How does it fare? pdf - Affinity1 Affinity1
This talk presents an unabashed scriptural defense of Young-Earth Creationism ArgumentsforYEC
This lecture is taken from the TELOS BIBLICAL INSTITUTE course "Biblical Theology of the New Testament." 25.TheChurchasaMystery2
This lecture is taken from the TELOS BIBLICAL INSTITUTE course "Biblical Theology of the New Testament." 24.TheChurchasaMystery1
The Gospel light is unattractive to sinners until... Light&DarkJn3BR3
The 'sacrifice' of Abraham of his son Isaac has some of the greatest lessons in all of Scripture SacrificeofAbrahamGen22BR2