The second in a three-part introduction to this Gospel before getting into the Gospel proper. This introductory lesson looks at the content, plan and purpose of this Gospel. This lecture... read more →
Free lectures covering the entire First Gospel week by week. Here Paul Henebury expounds the first chapter of Matthew's Gospel, making sure not to neglect its very Jewish context. This... read more →
[P]ositive thinking is not the same as having a hopeful or joyful frame of mind. Christians are to have joy in their lives, a joy fed by a sure hope. ... read more →
This audio presents solid reasons why Christians should learn to cherish this central tenet of Biblical Christianity. IstheTrinityNecessary
In this audio Paul Henebury gives a brief review of these disputed verses and offers a defense of their genuineness. Last_twelve_verses_of_Mark
Review: On the Shoulders of Hobbits: the Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis, by Louis Markos, Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2012, pbk, 234 pages. When I came across this book... read more →
John Calvin
We've all read the statistics of young people who flee the Faith in which they have been reared soon after hitting college. There is more than one reason for this... read more →
This is a basic introductory talk on what one might call "common sense" interpretation. Paul provides several examples of how the Bible itself expects us to approach it. PH_Biblical_Interpretation
A proposal for hermeneutical control. Biblical Covenants and Normative Hermeneutics