We have seen that the idea of progressive revelation is connected to two things: the intent behind the communication, and the boundaries prescribed by previous revelation/communication. I have said that these two concerns, together with a definition of the adjective "progressive" as building or augmenting one thing upon another, necessitates... read more →
Free lectures covering the entire First Gospel week by week. Here Paul Henebury expounds the first portion of chapter four of Matthew’s Gospel. This lecture is taken from a course available at Telos Biblical Institute. Matt4
An audio presentation about this great English Reformer. Tyndale
Towards a Definition of Progressive Revelation Progressive revelation relies in the first instance upon the competence of how that revelation has been communicated. To deny this point is to cast doubt upon the utility of the modifier “progressive.” Revelation has to reveal or else it is not a... read more →
Free lectures covering the entire First Gospel week by week. Here Paul Henebury expounds the third chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, making sure not to neglect its very Jewish context. This lecture is taken from a course at Telos Biblical Institute. Matt3=
Recently I was interviewed by an Australian brother ministering in England, where I'm from. Lindsay Kennedy, who teaches at the Calvary Chapel College in York, asked me some questions as part of a series he is running on differing perspectives within Premillennialism. I tried to represent Traditional Dispensationalism; Darrell... read more →
Many Bible teachers and many books speak about "progressive revelation" as if everyone knows what they mean. And really it should not be much of a mystery. But too often in the hands of "replacement theologians" the term doesn't mean what we think it means. This series of posts addresses... read more →
[I] have begun this series with this three-part introduction, trying to bring attention to the matter of Truth and the authenticity of our allegiance to it as Christian parents. My concern is that Christians nowadays do not prize Truth for what it is - an attribute of God - but... read more →
Free lectures covering the entire First Gospel week by week. Here Paul Henebury expounds the second chapter of Matthew's Gospel, making sure not to neglect its very Jewish context. This lecture is taken from a course at Telos Biblical Institute. Matt2
This short lesson concludes the general survey of the Gospel. introtoMatt3